Basilisk II ist ein Mac II Emulator für die Sony PSP.
Now at version 1.1.1, Basilisk II features a new and optimized underlying code-base, giving a six percent increase in emulation speed. Additionally, 4.01 M33 compatible IR keyboard drivers are now pre-included and two new 16:9 video output modes have been added for LCD/HDTV owners.
Basilisk II PSP Port Test 20 (Mac Emulator) um 21:34:39 von Nemu
Mittlerweile ist Test Nr. 20 erschienen. Es wird schon fast als RC1 bezeichnet:
Here's test 20. MAJOR changes:
The floating point has been SUBSTANTIALLY rewritten. I've incorporated SoftFloat into the FPU emulation to get extended precision floating point. I've also added most of the FPU functionality that's usually only present in B2 when using x86 assembly...
Basilisk II PSP Port 14 (Mac Emulator) um 13:52:50 von Nemu
Es wurde eine neue Version des Mac Emulators "Basilisk II Port" released.
Test 14 - IR keyboard support! At least if you're on 3.52 or older. I forgot Sony doesn't load IRDA.PRX in games anymore. I'll add code for that on the next version. Tested in 3.52 M33-4 with Targus and Palm keyboards. Now I'm extra mad the Slim doesn't have an IR port. ;)
b2x ist eine Protierung des Apple Macintosh 68K Emulator Basilisk für MacOSX ,wovon es nun auch eine GP2X Version gibt.
You can have more RAM for the emulated mac cause its using the upper 32M for this.
It also has prefs for starting tv
(put 'TV true') in .prefs files
the X key is mapped to shift
I also changed the makefile to compile with the open2x gcc4....
b2x ist eine Protierung des Apple Macintosh 68K Emulator Basilisk für MacOSX ,wovon es nun auch eine GP2X Version gibt. Leider hat der Auhtor sich zum release Relativ kurz gehalten :/
I've updated BasiliskII. The mac should now have 320x240 (for gp2x screen) and 720x480 (for tvout) resolutions. Please test it out.