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Samstag - 01.11.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.6.1 um 08:38:08 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    * Improved Windows long pathname to DOSBox short pathname converter (thanks to Alexander Katz).
    * The select image dialog for adding image files as harddisks in the profile editor will now also show cue sheet files.
    * Smarter initial directory when opening selection dialog for text editor,...

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Freitag - 22.08.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.5.0 um 11:20:27 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - Danish language file (thanks to Jens Peter Jensen)
    - Traditional Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)
    - Zip and 7z archives can be used as drives now. Additionally D-Fend Reloaded
    can repack the changed files to the zip archive when using a PhysFS folder
    and zip file pair.
    - You ...

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Mittwoch - 14.05.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.4.0 um 13:51:17 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - Simplified Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)
    - The new profile wizard has been completely redesigned. With the new auto
    setup templates new profiles (for games known by the D-Fend Reloaded
    database) can be setup by only entering the game name and the filename.
    - ScummVM based adva...

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.3.2 um 13:10:28 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - French language file (thanks to Christophe Bertrand)
    - Russian language file (thanks to Alexander Katz)
    - The installer and the data package installers are now also available in all
    five currently supported languages.
    - All available CDs can automatically be mounted at DOSBox start (optional...

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Montag - 18.02.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.3.1 um 22:09:45 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - CDs can be ripped to ISO images and used as DOSBox drives.
    - Floppy disks can be ripped to IMG images and used as DOSBox drives.
    - Screenshots and captured sounds can be renamed.
    - Captured screenshots can be set as windows wallpaper image.
    - If DOSBox is started in window mode, the DOSBox win...

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.3.0 um 21:23:13 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - Completely new designed and more clearly arranged profile editor (the classic
    D-Fend style profile editor is still available and can be activated in the
    setup dialog).
    - D-Fend Reloaded can look for updates on start up and via menu now.
    - Captured wave sounds for each game can be listed, s...

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.2.0 um 21:48:34 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
  • New dialog for changing multiple profiles at once.
  • The serial port settings can be changed via a dialog now.
  • If installed with the FreeDOS commandline tools, 4DOS can be set up as commandline interpreter in profile editor.
  • If installed with the FreeDOS commandline tools, DOS32A c...

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Dienstag - 18.12.2007

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.1.1 Build 2 um 17:01:42 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
  • [Fix] Missing space between programfile und parameters when running a game
  • More icons in treeview and in profile editor dialog - Changelog viewer in programinfo dialog
  • [Fix] Wrong tab order in some dialogs
  • New "By genre" button in "Export|Create conf" dialog
  • The "Edit drive" dialog now opens faster
  • [Fix] The alternative profile edit hotkey F2 was linked to profile add instead of profile edit
  • In the transfer dialog, the uninstall dialog and the build installer dialog the "DosBox DOS" default entry is not shown but the genre of this profile has been used when building the "by genre" menu.
  • Additional start menu Link "Manuals folder" to access the manual and game data folder.
  • [Fix] When copying a profile "not set" was shown in the info columns (genre, ...) of the new profile.
  • More abandonded games links in the help menu.
  • Progress dialog when deinstalling or transfering games.
  • "Auto create" button in mounting section of profile editor to create default drive c: with one click.
  • New options "retry" and "ignore" when files are protected when deinstalling games.
  • New buttons "Previous" and "Next" in profile editor to switch between games.
  • Now you can choose between "DirectX" and "WinDIB" als SDL videodrivers. ("WinDIB" is slower than the default "DirectX" but may solve some keyboard problems.)
  • New profile menu option "Add from template" allows to create new profiles from templates without opening the template dialog.
  • Setup dialog language will change immediately when another language is selected in the dialog.
  • [Fix] Icon files were ignored when copying and uninstalling game and when building installers.
  • [Fix] The GUS enabled/disabled setting was not correctly shown in the profile editor.

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DBGL v0.50 um 22:08:31 von kallez
DBGL ist ein in Java geschriebenes Frontend für den Dos Emulator Dosbox. Die Neuerungen sind:
  • Quite a large amount of changes this time, among others a database change; Therefore, please backup your entire dbgl directory if you're upgrading! In case you're using the new jar with an existing profile database, that database will be updated automatically on the first ru...

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DBGL v0.46 um 14:14:46 von kallez
DBGL ist ein in Java geschriebenes Frontend für den Dos Emulator Dosbox. Die Neuerungen sind:
    * D-Fend profiles importing
    * Multiple DOSBox versions support, select any pre-configured version per profile
    * Template support
    * 2 URLs can be specified per profile
    * Booter games support
    * Basic zipfile support (using a dosbox version that has physFS integrated, for example Ykhwong's)
    * Can easily handle 1000+ profiles (for those interested: DBGL uses the Java HSQLDB database engine, and SWT for its GUI)
    * No data replication; all DOSBox profile information that can be stored in the .conf file is stored in there, and only in there. Extra information such as the profile's Title, developer name, status etc. is stored in a single humanly-readable database file, in db/database.script. What this basically means is that you can still start a given profile without even using DBGL (dosbox -conf dosbox.conf -conf profiles1385.conf)
    * Use with DOSBox v0.65 or CVS

Donnerstag - 21.09.2006

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Dosbox frontends um 17:41:16 von kallez
Auf der Dosbox Homepage wurden 2 neue Frontends zum Dos Emulator Dosbox vorgestellt.
  • Adventuregamers reports that the Sierra compilations use DOSBox to make the games compatible with XP!

  • Ronald and Erik have both created a new frontend for DOSBox.

    * Ronald has created the frontend DOSBox Game Launcher. DBGL is written in java and should the...

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D-FEND V2 beta 2 um 07:38:00 von kallez
Das Frontend D-Fend für den Dos Emulator DosBox wurde aktualisiert.
    Ok I dropped the v3 for v2 because the changes simply don't warrent such a version change. Even though I said I wouldn't I looked into the idea of converting profiles because the idea seemed appealing enough. Also, it seems some people have hundreds of profiles which makes manual conversion a hassle.

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D-Fend v3 Beta um 14:18:08 von kallez
Das Frontend D-Fend für den Dos Emulator DosBox wurde aktualisiert.
  • I only added the new options in dosbox and made D-Fend is compatible with the latest DOSBox build, 0.65. However, I did not add the entire 'serial' thing I need to figure out how this works first.


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