Eine neue SNV Build des Gamecube Emulators Dolphin wurde freigegeben.
fixed an off by one error I created in the texture copy function in
bpstructs.cpp. SSBM no longer has black on ground. sorry about that ;p
noticed the real HW doesn't clip some things it should. modified the projection
matrix to account for this.
changed normal loader to better handle 1 ...
nJoy v0.3: Multi-controller support um 12:08:26 von AEnEmY
Für den Open Source gegangenen Emulator Dolphin ist ein Plug-In erschienen, dass die Nutzung mehrerer Controller ermöglicht.
Zitat Falcon4ever:
I just finished updating my input plugin nJoy.
nJoy v0.3 now features multi-controller support! Because this version is linked with the 32b version of SDL, it only supports the 32b version of Dolphin.
Dolphin wird Open Source / erste Wii Emu- versuche um 12:10:19 von AEnEmY
In der Game Cube Szene tut sich nach langem Warten wieder etwas. Der derzeit kompatibelste Emulator Dolphin wird zum Open Source Projekt und bringt neben einigen Verbesserungen auch elementaren Wii Support mit (!!).
Zitat von ector aus dem Emutalk Forum:
"We hereby release the source code of Dolphin and most of its plugins under the GPL 2.0.
Vom Gamecube Emulator Gekko gibt es folgendes WIP Update:
...But here's a little progress shot to let you know that Gekko is not at all dead, and in fact the team is more allive right now than it has ever been.
Shot taken with Gekko's own Video Plugin that I have been working on over the past few months, in the Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker. That is, we no longer use Dolphin Video.
I won't say much, but I will say we have some big surprises in store that aren't quite evident from just a screenshot :-)
Vom Gamecube Emulator Gekko gibt es folgendes WIP Update:
Hello all,
I'd just like to give you all a little status update on where the project is heading. What with 64bit Dolphin in the works, and the latest Gcube, we thought that it be necessary for us to follow the same trend, and post some information :-)
In all honesty, not a whole lot has gone on with th...
Dolphin Memory Card ist ein kleines Tool um .GCI Spielstände in das entsprechende Memory Card Format vom Game Cube Emulator Dolphin zu konvertieren. Es benötigt das .NET framework 2.0.
Dieser Game Cube Emulator wurde von Duddie und Tratax entwickelt. Pete (bekannt von den PSX Plugins) stieß später zum Team hinzu für die Weiterentwicklung des Grafik Plugins. Allerdings stoppte das Projekt irgendwann vor 6 Monaten. Daher entschloss man sich den Emulator zu releasen.
Hier der komplette Text von Petes Homepage:
Duddie and Tratax of the PSEmu fame started to code a Gamecube emulator in June 2004. A year later they asked me to improve the graphic plugin of "GCEmu", and, well, I did it... to a certain degree :)
Ah, but the development stopped somehow six months ago (we all were busy with other stuff), so the decision was made to release the emulator in its current state. The release was planned for mid-December 2005, ahem, yeah, now it's late January 2006, just another sign of the overall lazyness :)
What can you expect from GCEmu? Let me quote Tratax's readme:
"GCEmu is a very incomplete emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube.
It uses recompilation techniques and some other tricks to achieve a reasonable speed. Although emulation is very incomplete, this emulation shows that 'it can be done' and can be done at a decent speed.
Where Dolphin Emu shows that the emulation can be done, GCEmu shows that it can be done at speed. This is because the different focus. Where the Dolphin guys hate to do cpu emulation (especially recompilers) this is exactly what I (Tratax) have been playing with since PSEmu.
It was made using Visual Studio C++ using pure C code and a few bits of assembler."
I've uploaded the GCEmu binaries and sources (including the gx plugin sources and some dsp reverse engineering infos from Duddie) in one big archive to a Sourceforge project. The binaries are MS-Windows only, and you will need a fast system with a pixel shader 2.0 capable gfx card to run the emu.
And keep in mind: glitches, crashes and other lovely emu troubles are to be expected when you are trying to run GC games in GCEmu. That's just the way it is.