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Dienstag - 04.11.2008

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lbicelyne FBA v11p3 um 21:44:03 von kallez
lbicelyne]hat eine neue Version seines CPS1, CPS2, CPS3 und Neogeo Emulator für die PSP freigegeben.
    lbicelyne] FBA simulator V11p3 version, the definition of key global support for the (November 2 update)

    PSP1000 with FBA beta, and optimize the PGM, the three countries play War, Journey to the West, electricity and refined 2
    This arrogant revise software Oop...

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Sonntag - 31.08.2008

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Regen v0.93 Beta 3 (Release 2) um 19:31:55 von kallez
Regen ist ein MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator für Windows. Die Neuerungen sind:
    -Added Regen v0.93 Beta 3 executable.
    -Added AamirM's updated NTSC plugin.
    -Edited some cheat files and removed old ones.

    Re-uploaded the beta 3 with the sound fixes. Please re-download from the link given in my original beta 3 post. Hopefully King will make the new package. S...

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clrmamepro v3.118a um 20:49:02 von kallez
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
    * fixed: laserdisk chds are listed as unneeded
    * fixed: main window moves to the top from start to start
    * fixed: rebuilder advanced auto-memory checkbox doesn't use 1/2 physical available memory limit
    * fixed: "download all" operations can't be stopped

Montag - 25.08.2008

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Rominator v2008.15 um 23:16:50 von kallez
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows und MacOSX.
    [+] Added in extra name processing if you have the Multilanguage Tag in the middle of the name and there is only 1 language, it will now remove the space after the %m (if there is data after the %m tag)
    [+/-] Updated cheat download links to cohere with GBAtemp's new cheat directory structure
    [+] Add...

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GameEx v. 9.51 um 16:13:44 von AEnEmY
Vom Multifrontend GameEx ist eine neue Version mit einigen Bugfixes freigegeben worden:

Zitat TSpeirs:

"This release contains changes to the GameEx install. The emulator databases are now a separate download but by default downloaded with the install. There is also an offline version on the download page. The MCE glossy theme has been removed from the install and moved to the ...

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Freitag - 15.08.2008

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Weitere PCSX2 Plugins um 12:10:46 von AEnEmY
Von der PCSX2 Homepage gibts folgende News über Plugin- Aktualisierungen:

Gsdx 0.1.9: Gabest releases yet another version of his fast DX9 / DX10 GS plugin improving speed and compatibility.You can get it from our downloads page

Lilypad 0.9.4: Chickenliver keeps updating this pad plugin with constant bug fixes and features,so be sure to check it out.Also in our downloads

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bsnes v0.034 released um 22:16:11 von Nemu
BSNES ein Nintendo SNES Emulator für Windows, Linux und MAC OS X wurde aktualisiert. Die Änderungen sind:

    For this release: SPC7110 emulation speed has been greatly optimized, massive improvements to HDMA timing have been implemented, Multitap support was added, and the user interface was polished a bit more.

    * SPC7110 decompression code updat...

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emuControlCenter v0.9.8 STABLE um 17:33:55 von Hammel
Das Rom-Verwaltungs-Programm emuControlCenter gibt es nun nach einigen WIP Version in einer "Stable" Version.
Hier die wichtigsten Neuerungen:
  • 10 new platforms
  • 7ZIP and Zip archive support + auto unpack mechanism.
  • Daemon Tools auto-mount support.
  • Advanced script support using eccScriptRom.dat
  • Download images directly from the ECC im...

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Donnerstag - 17.07.2008

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Demul 0.44 WIP um 21:27:36 von Nemu
Der Dreamcast- und Naomi-Emulator Demul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen. Mehr infos gibts momentan nicht, da das zugehörige Forum nicht erreichbar ist. Ein Download geht momentan über

Vielen Dank an für die Neuigkeiten!


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Makaron WIP um 09:14:49 von AEnEmY
Vom DC Emulator Makaron gibts neue WIP News und eine neue Version T10:

I think I've finally got the DMA code working. Well, for me at least :) It needs to be tested further on variety of hardware - and that's where you people come in. Expect T10 soon.

Some loose thoughts I feel like voicing:

1) T10 might be a bit slower than T9 series. It'll most likely affect only lo...

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Samstag - 28.06.2008

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LH=DOSbox(GUI) Version 0.01.1 Alpha um 17:51:54 von Nemu
Es gibt Neuigkeiten von Traxx Amiga Ep's Dosbox Frontend. Ein Download ist (noch) nicht verfügbar.


    Version 0.01.1: 2008/06/25
    :- Section DOSbox OutPut -:
    + :. Sektion Erstellt

    + :. Schriftsatz kann vom User gewechselt werden (Obere und Untere Fenster)...

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Mittwoch - 18.06.2008

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Wine 1.0 Released! um 21:20:22 von Nemu
Nach 15 Jahren Entwicklung ist es soweit: Wine 1.0 ist freigegeben worden! Wine stellt Windows-Programmen die Windows-Systemaufrufe unter Unix zur Verfügung.

    The Wine team is proud to announce that Wine 1.0 is now available. This is the first stable release of Wine after 15 years of development and beta testing. Many thanks to everybody who helped us along that lon...

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Wine v1.0 RC1 um 00:35:07 von kallez
Wine implementiert die Win32 API in Linux wodurch man etliche Windows Software auch unter Linux abspielen kann. Hier die hauptsächlichen Neuerungen:
    Bugs fixed in 1.0-rc1:

    3164 Missing XP Theme toolbars in app toolbar for Metatrader4
    3362 Picasa Movie feature does nothing
    3426 WinGizmo does not download magic number code
    3792 PrinterPo...

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igpSP v0.9.2Xb um 17:44:28 von kallez
ipgSP ist ein GBA Emulator für Apple iPod.
    After doing source code diffs with Zaphod's original gpSP port and zacaj's later port, I did a full and proper re-port of the Exophase's latest version of gpSP. My current version is mostly changes from Zaphod's original port (via hotdog and iBoy code) with the usage of the COP through zacaj's changes. The result is a patch file ...

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CPCemu v1.6 beta um 06:04:12 von kallez
CPCemu ist ein Amstrad CPC Emulator für Windows und Linux.
    I have corrected two bugs in CPCemu (relating to directly starting a snapshot). Thanks go to Troels K for reporting them.

    After updating to the latest version of the graphics library CPCemu might be (more?) Vista-compatible now. However, I don't know if it was incompatible to it before... I would be glad ...

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AmeDS v2.1 um 10:01:15 von kallez
AmeDS ist ein Amstrad CPC Emulator für den Nintendo DS.
    * Play with WIFI ! Download the game through the web and play it using the menu
    "PLAY GAME FROM THE WEB" biggrin.gif !
    * Compilation with devkitarm r21
    * Screenshot saves are now in "no resize" mode, so we have the complete CPC screen smile.gif !
    * Multi save for snapshots and screenshots (the name e...

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Chip-8 emu pre-alpha um 08:06:19 von kallez
Shendo hat eine erste Testversion seines neuen Chip-8 Emulators freigegeben.
    Probably everyone has done one so I figured I might try as well.
    After reading a few documents and a thread at EmuTalk I was able to do a really buggy Chip-8 emulator which properly runs about 1% of the games

    Since this was just to get a basic idea how emulators work I didn't bother ...

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Dapplegrey v1.9.2 Beta 1 um 06:01:31 von kallez
Dapplegrey ist ein DosBox Frontend für MacOS X.
    New to v1.9.2b1: If the version number of DOSBox isn't recognized correctly, the frontend will ignore that and assumes the choosen application (normally called "") will work correctly.

    Please download this beta version, a modified 1.9.1, and test the follwing issues:

    1. If the version number of...

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ScummVM DS v0.11.1 Beta 1 um 11:09:20 von kallez
Eine neue Version von ScummVM für den Nintendo DS wurde released. Hier die Neuerungen:
    Hi Everyone,

    Since there were bugs found in a few of the ScummVM engines, ScummVM 0.11.1 will be release to fix them. There are no new features compared to the 0.11.0 release.

    Here is the first beta version of the 0.11.1 release of ScummVM DS. It needs lots of testing,...

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emuControlCenter v0.9.7 WIP 01 um 11:11:11 von Hammel
Die erste WIP Version der 0.9.7 des Rom Manager Tools steht nun hier zum Download bereit. Die Neuerungen sind diese hier:
  • New tabs for meta-edit popup
    -- Rating / Review
    -- Personal for notes + hiscores
  • Top menu "View"
    -- Added "last played" (same as "history", order...

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