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Dienstag - 04.11.2008

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Extra M.A.M.E. v7 um 21:49:07 von kallez
Extra M.A.M.E. ist ein MAME Frontend für Windows und wurde mit diesen Änderungen aktualisiert:
    + MAME 0.128 compatible
    + the main program algorithm was updated
    + 32b icons for Windows VISTA
    + list of supported games was updated

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AQEMU v0.5 um 19:17:34 von kallez
AQEMU ist ein Frontend für den X86 Emulator QEMU.
    * AQEMU compiles and works under FreeBSD.
    * Code rewritten globally.
    * Heavily reworked interface.
    * Completed "Device Manager".
    * Network cards settings has changed.
    * Tab "Ports" completely transformed.
    * Added tab Additional settings.
    * Information displayed on the tab Info can be conf...

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Montag - 25.08.2008

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Rominator v2008.15 um 23:16:50 von kallez
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows und MacOSX.
    [+] Added in extra name processing if you have the Multilanguage Tag in the middle of the name and there is only 1 language, it will now remove the space after the %m (if there is data after the %m tag)
    [+/-] Updated cheat download links to cohere with GBAtemp's new cheat directory structure
    [+] Add...

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Sonntag - 24.08.2008

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WinUAE v1.5.2 Beta 3 um 17:31:09 von kallez
Vom Amiga-Emulator WinUAE gibts eine neue beta:
    - bsdsocket initialization rewritten, should be more reliable now if uae rom is moved and/or other extra residents enabled (I don't understand how it was supposed to work previously..)
    - OpenAL sound mode problems fixed ("I hope")
    - Raw mouse/"name of mouse" mouse wheel support fixed (has always been broken)

Samstag - 23.08.2008

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MisfitMAME v0.127 um 13:10:45 von kallez
Der Multi-Arcade Emulator MiSFiTMAME ist in einer neuen Version erschienen.

    Released on Aug 23, 2008
    Based on MAME 0.127

    Thanks to the Neht team (Ryokuken, JacKc) for lots of help in various ways.
    Thanks to Mametesters for fixing MAME bugs that impacted on MisfitMame.

    Source changes


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Basilisk II PSP Port 14 (Mac Emulator) um 13:52:50 von Nemu
Es wurde eine neue Version des Mac Emulators "Basilisk II Port" released.

    Test 14 - IR keyboard support! At least if you're on 3.52 or older. I forgot Sony doesn't load IRDA.PRX in games anymore. I'll add code for that on the next version. Tested in 3.52 M33-4 with Targus and Palm keyboards. Now I'm extra mad the Slim doesn't have an IR port. ;)


Mittwoch - 14.05.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.4.0 um 13:51:17 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - Simplified Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)
    - The new profile wizard has been completely redesigned. With the new auto
    setup templates new profiles (for games known by the D-Fend Reloaded
    database) can be setup by only entering the game name and the filename.
    - ScummVM based adva...

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Atarixlbox v7 um 13:07:34 von kallez
Madmab hat eine Version des Atari 800/5200/130/320/XL/XE Emulators Atarixlbox für die Xbox freigegeben mit diesen Änderungen.
    What's new/fixed (Atari core related changes):
    * Fixed new pokey sound issues. Using a modified new_pokey engine by foft, author of the GP2x port of atari800.
    * Core updated to ver 2.03 with the exception of the pokey engine.
    * New NTSC...

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MagicEngine 1.1.0 um 09:41:12 von kallez
Der kostenpflichtige Emulator hat ein Update bekommen. Neu ist:
    - added a cheat engine
    - added IPS patch support for ROMs
    - fixed a bug in the SPTI CD-ROM driver
    - fixed a memory bug that could crash the emulator
    - rewrote the CD-ROM driver, now both SPTI and ASPI
    are supported at the same time allowi...

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MAME v0.125 um 23:38:22 von kallez
Eine neue Version vom Arcade Emulator steht ins Haus, diesmal mit diesen Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    01743: [Sound] anteater: Music is really loud and clips (Aaron Giles)
    01770: [Misc.] hanayara, mjangels, mjcomv1, mjreach, quiztvqq, tenkai,
    tenkaibb, tenkaicb, yarunara: msm6242 device assert (Duke)
    01778: [Sound] ...

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Donnerstag - 24.04.2008

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MAME v0.124u4 um 17:21:18 von kallez
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    00426: [Core] tenkaibb, mjreach: don't bootup correctly. (Emuman)
    01711: [Gameplay] connect4, mpu4met0, mpu4tst2, mpu4utst, bctvidbs:
    Using -CHEAT trigger causes a crash (Atari Ace)
    00149: [Misc.] No error report for invalid B...

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AmigaSYS 4 Plus um 14:03:51 von kallez
AmigaSYS ist eine alternative zu AIAB (abk. für Amiga in a Box). Ein Betriebsystem, dass auf Workbench 3.1 basiert und optisch und funktionell aufpoliert wurde.
    AmigaSYS 4 WinUAE:

    With a bit late, but finally the new AmigaSYS has arrived. Perhaps this version took the most time, but not for nothing. Who used the AmigaSYS systems until then, will see the huge diff...

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MAME v0.124u2 um 09:16:43 von kallez
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    01571: [DIP/Input] stadhero: Player 1 and Player2 Start are mapped
    twice. (stephh)
    01673: [Graphics] sfjp: Game backgrounds replaced with other images
    (Fabio Priuli)
    01567: [DIP/Input] megazona, megazonb, megazonc, ...

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PScummVM v1.8.2.4 um 10:24:00 von kallez
PScummVM ist eine modifizierte Version des Adventure Simulators welche es ermöglicht ScummVM von USB Sticks auszuführen.
    o Updated to ScummVM 0.11.1
    o Extra version information in the executable

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Regen v0.6 um 12:00:44 von kallez
Regen ist ein MegaDrive Emulator der das Plugin von blarrg's Genesis NTSC plugin verwendet. Die normalen Kega Plugins können aber auch verwendet werden.
    * Changed the Z-80 emulator from MZ-80 to RAZE as this is much more accurate and
    since MZ-80 was having some problems with some games. If you find some games broken
    report them.
    * Updated M68K core to latest v...

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MAME v0.123u4 um 15:30:12 von Hammel
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    00817 [RansAckeR]

    Source Changes
    MC6845 updates: [Zsolt Vasvari]
    * now signalling both 0->1 and 1->0 transitions of synching pins
    * added mc6845_assert_light_pen_input; uses a timer for latchin...

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Extra M.A.M.E. v5.5 um 00:55:07 von kallez
Extra M.A.M.E. ist ein MAME Frontend für Windows und wurde mit diesen Änderungen aktualisiert:
    + MAME 0.123u2 compatible
    + text files and links were updated
    + gamelist.txt was updated
    + minor changes of interface
    + language (lng) files were updated

Source from emu-france!

Freitag - 08.02.2008

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D-Fend Reloaded v0.3.0 um 21:23:13 von kallez
D-Fend Reloaded ist ein Frontend für den DOS Emulator DosBox.
    - Completely new designed and more clearly arranged profile editor (the classic
    D-Fend style profile editor is still available and can be activated in the
    setup dialog).
    - D-Fend Reloaded can look for updates on start up and via menu now.
    - Captured wave sounds for each game can be listed, s...

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emuControlCenter v0.9.6 Rebuild 1 um 13:16:41 von kallez
Vom Rom-Verwaltungs-Programm emuControlCenter ist eine neue Version erschienen. Hier die Liste der Änderungen die zu dieser Version geführt haben:
    Version 0.9.6.R1 (2008.02.05)

    - Added platforms
    - Amstrad/Schneider PCW/Joyce
    - Epoch/Yeno Super Cassette Vision
    - NEC PC-9801
    - Sharp MZ-1500
    - Sharp MZ-2500
    - Sharp X1

    - S...

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bsnes v0.028 um 17:42:05 von kallez
BSNES ein Nintendo SNES Emulator für Windows und Linux wurde aktualisiert. Die Neuerungen sind:

The major focus of this release was cleaning up the code even more, and greatly enhancing the Linux port to be an equal with the Windows port.

For Linux users, please note that the safest drivers were chosen by default, rather than the most full-featured drivers. The ...

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