Eine neue Version von auf dem FCE Ultra basierenden NES-Emulator FCEUXD SP ist freigegeben worden.
bug: fix fcm conversion, recording, and playback of reset and power commands
bug: prevent excessively long movie filenames
bug: SF [ 2085437 ] should fix issues with missing author field in fcm convert crashing fceux
bug: fix savestate recovery code...
Eine neue Version von auf dem FCE Ultra basierenden NES-Emulator FCEUXD SP ist freigegeben worden.
Two days ago I was sure that I would never release another version of FCEUXD SP (everybody's favourite NES emulator for hacking NES games). Today there's a new version because I was unhappy with the Cheat Console. Weird things happen sometimes.
CEUXD ist ein NES Emulator / Debugger und basiert auf FCE Ultra. Hier die Neuerungen:
New: Better error handling
New: Invalid lines in NL files are now shown to the user instead of being silently ignored. This gives the user the opportunity to fix erroneous lines.
New: Good news for other developers, all C files added by me are now fully documented.
Change: Array indices in disassembly windows are now hexadecimal values.
Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when loading the bookmark description of hex bookmarks from disk
Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when using arrays and long comments in symbolic debugging
Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when reading NL files
FCEUXD ist ein NES Emulator / Debugger und basiert auf FCE Ultra. Hier die Neuerungen:
New: Added register P (Program Counter) to the conditional breakpoint expressions.
New: There's a new name list file for symbolic debugging. Put all debugging information
for addresses < $8000 into the name list file romname.nes.ram.nl.
FCEUXD ist ein NES Emulator / Debugger und basiert auf FCE Ultra. Hier was der Autor zum Release schreibt:
I've decided to fork FCE Ultra eXtended-Debug 1.0a under the name FCEUXD SP with the hope to make significant contributions and improvements to the NES debugging experience. My main reason for this was the sorry state of NES debugging today. Even with the best NES em...