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Montag - 03.11.2008

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Emu64 v4.0 Infos um 11:58:54 von winfy
Der Emu64 ist ein C64 Emulator für Windows. Man hat lange nichts mehr von Thorsten Kattanek und seinem Emulator gehört, aber das Emu64-Projekt ist noch lange nicht am Ende.
Jede freie Minute wird an der neuen Version 4.0 des Emulators gearbeitet. Der Sourcecode wurde komplett überarbeitet und noch bis Weihnachten soll eine Final-Version erscheinen! ...

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Freitag - 05.09.2008

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FBA2x v7.3 um 22:28:19 von kallez
Headoverheels hat eine neue Version des Multi Arcade Emulators Final Burn Alpha freigegeben für den GP2x.
    o Replaced MAME's Z80 core with CZ80 core. Games like Mazinger Z and Metamoqester are faster.
    o Little optimizations in the generic tiles renderer
    o Disabled kernel read ahead cache
    o New supported games:
    . * Cave:
    - - - Power Instinct 2 (pwrinst2,...

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Dienstag - 02.09.2008

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MegaDev9 plugin v1.0.1 um 19:18:59 von kallez
MegaDev9 ist ein Input Plugin für Playstation 2 Emulatoren.
    Version 1.0.0
    -First version, support for HDD emulation.

    Version 1.0.1
    -Reduced the IRQ timings
    -The minimal HDD size is now 8 GBs, lower sizes seem to cause problems
    -Implemented the Idle command
    -Implemented the nIen bit in control reg (disables IRQ)
    -Fixed a bug occuring when p...

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Sonntag - 31.08.2008

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Xpadder v5.3 um 19:29:41 von kallez
Xpadder ist ein Tool womit man Gamepad/Joystick Unterstützung für PC Spiele, Emulatoren, und Anwendungen einrichten kann.
    Improved main controller image display (now 2.6x faster)
    Improved Controller Settings window image display (now 3.3x faster)
    Improved profile file size (blank profile down from 1416 bytes to 146 bytes)
    Improved subwindow graphics scanline a...

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Samstag - 30.08.2008

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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.95 um 22:48:47 von kallez
inal Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    * Added driver for Zero Zone and Las Vegas Girl [iq_132]
    * Added a clone of Three Wonders to the CPS-1 driver [Barry]
    * Changed the FD1089 module to use the external keys [Barry]
    * Set CPS-3 back to 60fps [Barry]
    * Matched all ...

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Donnerstag - 28.08.2008

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MAME v0.127u1 um 21:40:01 von kallez
Im neuesten Source-Update von MAME gibt es folgende Änderungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    - 00228: [Graphics] sgladiat: Emulation is missing some enemy sprites
    that are present on the pcb. (Nicola Salmoria)
    - 02147: [Interface] Annoying behaviour of highlighted entries in
    minimal UI (Aaron Giles)
    - 02159: [Cra...

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FB Alpha v0.2.96.94 um 21:13:17 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    * Fixed Windows Vista crash when opening the game selection dialog [Captain CPS-X]
    * Added Missing In Action to the TMNT driver [Barry]
    * Removed an unnecessary array in sys16_run.cpp reducing the exe size [Barry]

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Turbo Engine 16 v0.15 um 20:47:07 von kallez
Turbo Engine 16 ist ein PC Engine Emulator für Windows. Die Neuerungen sind:
    * Various fixes to the CPU core and some timing changes. Thanks to Exophase
    for posting comments on the emutalk boards. Fixes the following games:
    - Cyber Core
    - Download
    - Final Soldier
    - Blodia
    - Body Conquest II
    - Idol Hanafuda Fan Club
    - Jackie Chan
    - Jacki...

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FB Alpha Release um 21:50:26 von Nemu
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:

    Here's the what's new;

    * Captain CPS-X readded netplay and removed the dependancy on any external dlls - use them at your own risk
    * Fixed a problem with the SuperScale filter on nVidia gfx cards
    * Merged in Captain CPS-X's improvements to the game selection dialog
    * Fixed a problem with the game information dialog displaying incorrect images
    * Updated the romcenter dat module to support the latest romcenter
    * Imported fixes from MAME 0.126u4 for fm.c
    * Added a flag for MVS Cartidges and changed hardware description output
    * Matched all sets to MAME 0.126u4


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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.90 um 12:44:39 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    Here's the what's new;

    * Burner (interface) changes
    o Added board type, genre and family filters to the game selection dialog
    + Updated all drivers with the new flags
    + Amended the relevant dialo...

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FB Alpha um 19:38:37 von Nemu
Der Arcade-Emulator Final Burn Alpha wurde aktualisiert.

    Here's the what's new;

    * Fixed an issue with the monitor aspect radio buttons
    * Various fixes to the themed menus
    * Added themed menus to the game selection dialog
    * Prevented modeless menus being used with themes
    * Added options to view details in MAWS, CAESAR...

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FB Alpha Release um 19:45:55 von Nemu
Der Arcade-Emulator Final Burn Alpha wurde aktualisiert.

    Here's the what's new;

    * Added dynamic video size switching to the core
    * Merged in Captain CPS-X's menu themes code and added the options to the misc menu (disabled by default)
    * Merged in kev's and oopswares changes to zet and added CZ80 to the source distribution
    * Fixed ...

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Picodrive v1.51 um 22:12:53 von Nemu
Picodrive emuliert Sega Genesis/MegaDrive und SegaCD auf dem GP2X. Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen:

    - Improved bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, it should no longer complain about missing lame.exe even if it's in working dir.
    - Fixed a regression from 1.50, which caused slowdowns in Final Fight.
    - Fixed some regressions from 1.50 related to sprite limit and palette...

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MAME 0.126u1 um 21:20:18 von Nemu
Im neuesten Source-Update von MAME gibt es folgende Änderungen:


    NOTE: The cheat engine is disabled as of this version. It is
    currently undergoing a desperately-needed complete redesign and
    rewrite from scratch. By the time 0.127 is ready, we should have
    support for the vast majority of existing cheats working once

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Mittwoch - 16.07.2008

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FB Alpha Release um 21:27:30 von Nemu
Der Arcade-Emulator Final Burn Alpha wurde aktualisiert.

    Here's the what's new;

    * Burner (interface) changes
    o Added a game information dialog to burner
    o Tidied up the game selection dialog and seperated Kaneko 16 and Psikyo
    o Added a context menu to the game selection dialog
    o Added a most recentl...

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RomCenter 3.00 final um 17:30:41 von Nemu
Der Rom Manager Romcenter wurde in v. 3.00 final released.

    What's new from 3.00 rc2:

    Bugs fixed:
    - drag & drop enabled when no dat loaded
    - param form captions to small for some translation
    - some log translation not handled
    - empty db loaded when an error occur during db creation
    - folders with ' in name are not loaded
    - 'reload path...

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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.85 um 14:22:05 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    * Added Mazinger Z, Metamoqester, Power Instinct 2 and Power Instinct Legends to the Cave driver
    * Lagged the sprite palette in all CPS-2 games - fixes issue in ssf2 attract
    * Tidied up the CPS-2 split graphics rom loading
    * Properly ...

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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.84 um 11:35:53 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    * Added module to emulate the TC0280GRD/TC0430GRW Taito roz layer chips
    * Added support to the TC0100SCN module for double width rendering
    * dded support to the TC0100SCN and TC0110PCR emulation for multiple chips
    * Fixed priorities i...

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MAME 0.125u3 um 15:03:35 von kallez
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    - 01827: [Interface] galaga: DIP switch information is not being
    readded properly when .CFG is read. (Aaron Giles)
    - 01837: [DIP/Input] Missing input definitions (Aaron Giles)
    - 01039: [Interface] trog: Memory area limit of ...

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Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.82 um 12:56:05 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
    * Added driver for Taito F-2 hardware supporting Final Blow, Football Champ, Gun & Frontier, Liquid Kids and Super Space Invaders '91
    * Added tilemap flip support to the TC0100SCN emulation
    * Added priority map support to the TC0100SCN emulat...

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