Regen ist ein MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator für Windows. Die Neuerungen sind:
* Implemented frequency counter overflow bug.
This finally fixes the one instrument in Ariel, Shaq-Fu, Spider-Man: The
Animated Series, Scooby-Doo Mysteries, etc. Thanks go to Nemesis.
Fixed only in SuperHQ mode.
Im neuesten Source-Update von MAME gibt es folgende Änderungen:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 01448: [DIP/Input] twotiger: If you have your controller centered,
it is in fact tilted slightly to the right. (Aaron Giles)
- 00595: [DIP/Input] playch10.c games: Button 1 and 2 are reversed
emuControlCenter v0.9.8 WIP 04 v7 um 17:05:29 von Hammel
Vom Rom-Verwaltungs-Programm emuControlCenter ist eine neue WIP Version erschienen.
5 Neue Plattformen hinzugefügt:
Commodore Amiga CD32
Commodore CDTV
CVT Mega Duck/Cougar Boy
Hartung Game Master
Sega Dreamcast VMU
Also all emulator presets for MESS emulator platforms are fixed by adding the %ROM% parameter.
There are also added extensions & best emulator settings for Micobee Systems - Microbee, added extensions are: com, sub, mwb, bas, bin, dat, bee, z80, mac, mcl, ml, z.
Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2): Neuer Patch in Aussicht! um 20:28:17 von Nemu
Neuigkeiten von Phantasian Productions, die das Rollenspiel Tales of Destiny 2 für die PS2 ins englische übersetzen: Ein Patch ist nicht mehr weit!
Oh, my, what's that!? An update on Tales of Destiny 2!? Yes, it's true! I honestly can't believe it's already been at least a year since I put this on hiatus. We've really gotta get this menu patch finished! But we have a...
jEnesisDS ist ein Genesis / Mega Drive Emulator für den Nintendo DS.
Here a little update to jEnesisDS, my Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for the Nintendo DS.
- Fixed bug in Z80 core, preventing some games from having sound (Wonderboy, etc.).
- Fixed bug in 68000 optimization, that could make some games hang (Bonanza Brothers, etc.).
- Chang...
Genesis Plus Build 19.04.2008 um 20:23:53 von kallez
Genesis Plus ist ein Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Emulator für den Nintendo Gamecube und Nintendo Wii.
- modified VINT timings a little bit: fix lockup during Desert Strike's intro
- corrected 68k interrupts handling: fix graphic glitches in Darius II/Sagaia
- fixed 60Hz "Bilinear" rendering mode (was broken in last release)
- fixed...
XE ist ein Multi-System Emulator für Windows und Linux. Die Neuerungen sind:
Xe updates:
* [Xe] Implemented options to remove sticky memory cards / data disks on start up.
* [Xe] Modified CD caching. Sectors are cached when they are accessed.
* [Xe] Fixed cursor hiding in full screen mode.
* [Xe] Fixed playback with only one frame.
meisei ist ein MSX Emulator für Windows. Die Neuerungen sind:
- fixed movie timecode setting always saving as "no"
- added support for movie subtitles, it's even possible to create things like:
- mappers: traded meisei SRAM support for a nice picture of Audrey Tautou from
AuroraMSX. Added ASCII 8 + SRAM, ASCII...
Genesis Plus Build 01.03.2008 um 16:38:33 von kallez
Genesis Plus ist ein Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Emulator für den Nintendo Gamecube und Nintendo Wii.
- added SVP emulation: Virtua Racing is now emulated (big thanks to Notaz and TascoDeluxe)
- fixed VDP registers behaviour when VDP Mode 4 is enabled: fix Bass Masters Classic Pro, Captain Planet & The Planeeters
- corrected a bug in DMA Fill operation: ...
Genesis Plus Build 07.01.2008 um 16:09:56 von kallez
Genesis Plus ist ein Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Emulator für den Nintendo Gamecube und Nintendo Wii.
- fixed interleaved rom detection: roms with .smd extension should now work fine
- fixed a recently introduced bug in VDP registers writes: fixes bad colors in Toy Story (intro)
- updated list of games using EEPROM: added Sports Talk Baseball (internal m...