Maximus Arcade v2.10 Beta 2 um 06:10:21 von kallez
Vom (Shareware) multi Frontend (u.a. für MAME, Daphne, PSX) wurde eine neue beta freigegeben.
- Right-mouse click accessible menu for exiting game/emulator/frontend available on black screen after launching game
- Support for Future Pinball 1.6 emulator
- Support for Raine 0.50.5 emulator
- Support for Sega Model 2 emulator
- Support for NullDC emulator (S...
Haze hat seine WIP-Site mit folgenden News aktualisiert:
When Great Minds Combine
This isn’t my WIP, but the progress made in the last few days has been fascinating to watch.
ElSemi and Ernesto Corvi have been bouncing mails around for the past couple of days, trying to make sense of the Model 2/2A TGP programs without the aid of any documentation. I think the results speak for themselves. (Note, these are Nebula M2 shots, NOT MAME)
I may add a few shots of other titles later, but I’m sure this WIP will bring some smiles even without.
Congratulations to ElSemi and Ernesto on this progress.
*edit* Desert Tank — apparently has some problems with the collisions still
*edit2* Sky Target — camera goes upside down sometimes
Eine neue Version des Multi Arcade Emulators FiNaL BuRn EvOLuTioN ist erschienen.
New version of the Final Burn Evolution I contend several bugs corrected, new options and most important, COMPLETE emulation of plate CPS2, without no type of hack or XOR, following faithful the original hardware and with Brazilian support to all the ROMs of the games of the Capcom, valley the penalty to confer. It sees what it moved:
Removed the default overclocking on games - It's better to follow the real hardware as this causes bugs...
Fixed graphics bug on "Lansquenet 2004"
Fixed bug on "SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom" and clones
Added "Jyangokushi - haoh no saihai (990527 Japan)"
Updated ROMs on "" and ""
Fixed ROMs on "[4 Players]" sets
Added "Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors (940705 USA, Phoenix)"
Misc Games
Fixed bug on "Rainbow Island"
Fixed bug on "Prehistoric Isle in 1930"
Added "Thunder Heroes"
Added the new Misc. drivers from the latest FBA (BH) - Thanks to Treble Winner
Added the following games:
Action Fighter
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Fantasy Zone
Time Scanner
Thanks to Treble Winner for the drivers
Re-added support for Windows 9x versions
Added "Save CPS2 XORs" option - This option will allow you to save your own XOR files from all the CPS2 games, generated by the emulator using the real decryption code
Added a checkbox for Psikyo games
Added a checkbox for Sega games
Removed "Invoke debugger..." option
Added support to cheat files from M.A.M.E and Nebula / Kawaks - Thanks to iq_132 for the code
Changed the player descriptions in the input dialog (Player 0 becomes Player 1, etc.) - Thanks to Treble Winner for the code
Re-added 3x Punch and 3x Kick macro for CPS fighting games (they don't cause de-sync on games)
Fixed loss of frames during in-game chat
*Special thanks to Avens, jackchatelet and Zechs Marquise for the help on finding these bugs
PS: If your graphics card is too old and doesn't support the "Direct3D 7" blitter, download Final Burn Evolution (DirectDraw) 3.04 at forums. Download it only if your VGA doesn't support it, otherwise stick with this version.
Vom Multi Arcade Emulator Nebula ist eine neue Version veröffnentlicht worden. Danke an 1emulation für die News!
While I finish nebula 2.26, here is a quick update to thank the people that donated me a PGM mainboard and the cart to extract the Knights of Valour Super Heroes internal protection program...
Zum in JAVA geschriebenen Vectrex Emulator ParaJVE gibt es folgende WIP News:
What have I been up to recently, concerning ParaJVE? Well, lots of small things have been done, that may not necessarily shows right now, but that will come in handy in the future. Most notably:
Fixed a couple of bugs in the emulator's memory mapping :
Before, if the emulated program accessed an area of memory that does not exist on the real Vectrex, the emulator's VM would terminate execution - with a self explanatory "invalid memory access" exception, mind you ;)
It appears that the Vectrex is quite relaxed regarding these accesses, so I finally redirected all the nonexistent memory address space to a NullMemory handler that returns 0 on reads, and discards writes.
Fixed a stupid bug where the emulated program could write into a read-only address space (ROM and CARTRIDGE areas) - Yes, there are ROMs around that have bugs causing this kind of behaviour ;) ... Needless to say, this was fixed in 2 minutes once the problem has been diagnosed.
Which leads us to the next point...
As I needed some kind of tool that would allow an easier diagnosis of crashes in the emulated program, I implemented a back-trace feature, along with its GUI.
When back-trace recording is enabled (slows down the emulation a bit on "not-so-fast" computers), any crash in the VM immediately opens the back-trace window, that shows the history of executed instructions, along with the registers/stack content.
In the end this module will also make a neat debugging addition (coupled with other stuff like breakpoints) when I'll start to implement a vectrex developer debug toolbox in ParaJVE.
Since the overlays rendering obviously appears way too dark, I started to try and make my own versions (Starting from an opaque picture of the overlay, I'm creating a picture made of several layers with different transparency).
The few ones I completed look much better, so it sounds like I'll finally have to make them all (which is very time consuming, as I'm not that proficient in using GIMP) - Thus this task has been postponed...
The next version will include the games documentations, whose browsing will be triggered by a menu in the emulator... Thus I had to convert all the text docs into HTML. After having converted one by hand, I figured out rather quickly that it would be much more easy if this was performed by an automated program instead ;)
Hence the conversion tool was coded in a rush, and all the HMTL documentations are now ready for inclusion. Maybe I will add them as standalone download package as well, since some people may be interested in grabbing these HTML docs alone.
I've started to ask several homebrew authors if I could include their games in the next version, and they kindly agreed -- so expect Thrust from Ville Krumlinde, Nebula Commander and Revector from Craig Aker to be embedded in the next packaging.
As a consequence, I made a few modifications to the configuration file to support new information about the available games (release date and version, author's name and homepage URL, documentation path, and so on). Of course, the game selection dialog will display these pieces of information, but it's not implemented yet.
Last but not least, I lately started to work seriously on the sound emulation (based on a C source form MESS/MAME).
I now have something that is roughly working, outside of ParaJVE (The sound "commands" & time stamps were previously recorded within ParaJVE, so that they can be played back later by the offline sound emulation routines).
But for unknown reasons, the sound routines stop to work correctly as soon as they are embedded in the emulator. It seems that I'm having timing/threads problems again, but it needs more investigations.
And to finish, just an additional remark :
I am well aware of the FPS problem that plagues the current version (eg. The FPS counter displays 60, but the games runs like it's 80 or even more). Although I don't consider it to be a top priority task at the moment, I'll eventually try and fix that sooner or later. :)
Nebula v2.25SP Official International Version um 08:50:15 von kallez
Nebula ist ein multi Arcade Emulator für Windows.
Fix Nebula,make it support parent rom from kov2,and now kov2+kov2106+kov2p is much smaller(1/3 as before);
Fix kov2106,It can be played now;
Add kov2p205;
Fix kov2's name rule ,now the same as mame,you can use mame's kov2 to play with nebula2.25sp;
Add Knight of Valour - LuXun(hack),Knight of Valour Super plus(hack),Knight of Valour plus heros(similar to
kovsh,hack),Knight of Valour Super Heros(could only watch the start,unplayable),Oriental Legend plus v2.0(hack);
Two Language could be chosen:Chinese or English;
Delete the key from nebula2.25sp test version,more eazier to play;
Support more than 1000 games(include lots of hack neogeo and cps games),use cps version or neogeo version(only with Chinese);
nebula2.25sp-cps.exe To play CPS games and PGM games(include kov2p204)
nebula2.25sp-neogeo.exe To play Neogeo games and PGM games(include kov2p205)
nebula2.25sp-english.exe To play Cps,Neogeo and PGM games(include kov2p204,not include hacked neo and cps games,the romdata
is the same to official nebula2.25);
PS: Dies ist eine gehackte Version. Daher werden wir keine Fragen diesbezüglich beantworten.
Die Dats von Logiqx wurde mit dem neuen MAME Release gleich mit aktualisiert. Ansonsten gibt es noch neue Dats für FBA (Supplements), Nebula (Supplements), Kawaks (Supplements), M1 (Supplements), Nebula Jukebox (Supplements),
CPS-2 (Supplements) und Neo-Geo.
Mash hat nun auch seine Informationsdatei für MAME aktualisiert und dabei die aktuellen Änderungen im Quellcode sowie die Änderungen von Nebula v2.24, Nebula 2 v0.9b, RAINE v0.40.4, VAntAge v1.12 und ZiNc mit übernommen.