Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows und MacOSX.
[FIX] If you were to run Rominator fresh off another computer or tried to put it on a USB stick with the Rominator Data folder, the settings file would not be created and Rominator would crash. This has been fixed.
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows und MacOSX.
[+] Added in extra name processing if you have the Multilanguage Tag in the middle of the name and there is only 1 language, it will now remove the space after the %m (if there is data after the %m tag)
[+/-] Updated cheat download links to cohere with GBAtemp's new cheat directory structure
[+] Add...
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows und MacOSX.
[+] Rominator Website is online! Visit through the Help Menu. Complete usage documentation available at the website.
[+] Added a 'Score' column which can be enabled in the View Options*
[+] Going with the previous addition, a new button called 'Get Score' has been added, an...
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows, Linux und MacOSX.
[FIX] If you had your Games Location set to an external drive, and that drive was not present, it would give error 1034 and error 1001 every few seconds afterwards. This has been corrected
[FIX] Fixed error 1058 when setting your Games Location in the startup wizard
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows, Linux und MacOSX.
Version 5.3.1 no CHangelog
Version 5.3
[FIX] Fixed error 1023 when editing the name of a list (double clicking), and then creating a new list. The new list did not register in the database; this has been resolved.
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows, Linux und MacOSX.
• Bug fixes here and there
• The Details window has now been conveniently placed in the main window, in the form of a slider. You can drag out the slider to view the details, and it will even remember you had the slider open when you quit and reopen later.
• And what you've all been waiting f...
Rominator ist ein Nintendo DS ROM Manager für Windows, Linux und MacOSX.
Complete Code Overhaul! Rominator is now better than ever! Much faster, more compact, more features, just overall pure awesomeness :)
Rominator now has a sporty new icon ;)
Data is now stored in a folder called Rominator Data, which resides in the SAME FOLDER as Rominator -- This means you can put it on a USB stick and take it with you, preserving your settings. It also means you must start your library FRESH, so don't try and copy your old one over--It WILL crash!
Main window is more compact, details has been placed in a separate optional window. Details window will hug main window though when moved or resized.
Flash cards auto-mount, no more scanning for them
Space available on library/card is now shown in the games list
Action buttons have been removed, replaced by a Actions Button with a dropdown menu.
Message Bar is a lot more robust now, and easier seen. Plus, when you select a list, it'll show how many games are in the list, as well as how much space they used. When you highlight games, it will show the total amount selected.
Game Saves are now separate files, with a new save manager.
Box Art is now separate as well (not in a database), so you can choose your own box arts if wanted.
Find field now hidden, and activated through Edit -> Find.
Biggest new feature: Rominator Toolbox! The toolbox features multiple Rom Utilities, and can be expanded to as many tools as needed! The following tools are available in the toolbox to start:
Save Manager
Game Reviews
Box Art Manager
Rom Queue
Rom Validator
And by popular request, Rom Trimmer
As a result of the Rom Trimmer being in Rominator now, DSClippers has been discontinued.