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Donnerstag - 03.04.2008

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XRoar DS v0.20f3 um 13:30:52 von kallez
Eine neue Version des Nintendo DS ports vom Dragon 32/64 Emulator XRoar ist freigegeben worden.
    The DS port is advancing nicely. This version features interface for input configuration (though this doesn't get recorded anywhere yet, so you have to set it each time) and snapshot saving. Sound is now pretty much spot on, and video is synced to 50Hz where appropriate (DS all...

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Freitag - 28.09.2007

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 Related News v1.5.0 um 17:43:54 von kallez ist ein auf InfoNES basierender Nintendo NES emulator für IPhone.
    [nervegas] Fixed navbar so buttons update when in landscape mode
    Use fclose() instead of close() in LoadROM
    Added "Sensory Pad" preference option, good for RPGs I guess
    Cleaned up controller selection code and filenames

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Montag - 20.08.2007

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jEnesisDS v0.5 um 19:03:13 von kallez
jEnesisDS ist ein Genesis / Mega Drive Emulator für den Nintendo DS.
  • Implemented save-states (touch slot icons to load/save)
  • Extended SRAM compatibility. Story of Thor and Phantasy Star IV should work now.
  • Extended "force update" of HW renderer. Fixes Sonic3 intro, Sonic Bonus stage and probably others.
  • Fixed sprites showing garbage if more than 64 sprites were displayed. (Comix Zone, Outrun, Sonic, well most games i guess).
  • Partial rewrite of sprite handling in the HW renderer. Less slowdowns when a lot of sprites are displayed.
  • Implemented better VSync. Fixes temporary speedups after slowdowns.
  • Implemented vertical scaling option into HW renderer (horizontal is NOT possible, dont ask!).
    Aspect ratio will be incorrect, but makes games more enjoyable (at least in my opinion).
  • Implemented screen positioning in HW renderer (touch screen to pause, then use [D-Pad] to scroll.
    Push [A] for faster scrolling)
  • Rewrote DS interrupt system for HW renderer. Probably less slowdowns, surely safer.
  • Added "Fake Z80" option. The faking code can mess up some games (Ghouls n' Ghosts, Aladdin, Cool Spot 2, and others), so it can be turned off now. Interestingly enough, if it is turned off, real Z80 emulation will be executed, BUT just under certain circumstances, to keep games working and not to slow things down. As with other options, some games might depend on a certain setting to boot (Gaiares just boots when this option is set to "off").

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iPhoneNES v0.31 um 21:06:52 von kallez
iphonenes ist ein NES emulator für iPhones. DIe Neuerungen sind:
    # 0.21 nervegas Added support for external audio / switch added for earbuds
    # 0.22 stepwhite Added diagonal direction hotspots, SHOW_HITSPOT flags
    # 0.23 nervegas Tweaks to orientation change, DEBUG shows hot spots now
    # 0.24 nervegas Using K6502_rw.h from older core, Metroid and Punchout work! M...

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iphonenes v0.20.1 um 05:14:26 von kallez
iphonenes ist ein neuer NES emulator für iPhones.
    # 0.09 nervegas Preliminary sound support (see notes)
    # 0.10 nervegas Fixed crashing when returning to file list
    # 0.11 nervegas Improved sound quality, both earbuds work now, buffering+
    # 0.12 nervegas Enlarged controllers, improved hot spot locations
    # 0.13 nergegas Expanded on multitouch control - (see n...

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Sonntag - 24.06.2007

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MAME GP2X v4.1 um 20:03:34 von kallez
MAME GP2X ist ein Arcade Emulator für den GP2X. In der aktuellen Version gibt es diese Neuerungen:

    - Improved the Cyclone M68k core compatibility.
    E.g. Road Blasters lacked wrapper correct IRQs handling and Indiana Jones needed to know previous PC to emulate the
    protection chip.
    - All the games run perfectly now with the standard execut...

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Daedalus PSP WIP um 04:57:20 von kallez
Vom N64 Emulator Daedalus gibt es folgende WIP News.
    Super Smash Bros - Dynarec Update

    This is just a quick update to let everyone know I've finally figured out why the dynarec wasn't working in Super Smash Bros. The problem has taken a lot longer to identify than I'd hoped - in part because it was a particularly tricky bug but also because I've not had as much ...

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Spot v0.02 um 04:17:33 von kallez
Squidge hat eine neue Version seines GP32 Emulators für den GP2x freigegeben.
    This version is still in pre-alpha stage, as in, it's not actually usable (No joystick control), but it will give you an idea of how fast a GP32 can be emulated on the GP2X.

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Spot Alpha v0.0.0 um 11:18:25 von Hammel
GP32: Spot ist ein GP32 Emulator für den GP2X (ja, ihr lest richtig ;) ). Bisher läuft allerdings lediglich das Bios und das auch noch recht langsam, aber wir werden sehn wie sich das weiterentwickelt.

Samstag - 17.02.2007

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Sebastien Volpe & Dang Spot WIP - Blood Warriors um 16:31:44 von kallez
Auf Sebastien Volpe & Dang Spot WIP gibt es folgende WIP News:
    Request for Dang Spot to get back in touch / Blood Warriors

    Sebastien Volpe has been doing some work on Kaneko’s Blood Warriors with the help of Dang Spot (Gary Walkling) he has the game mostly playable, although some moves lock the game up, and some palettes are wrong.

    In order for the emulation to be completed it would help greatly if Dang Spot could get back in touch with Mamedev in order for a few additional verification tests to be run on the PCB.

    The driver will be included and possibly marked as working in the next U update despite these issues, howver, it would be good to be able to get them fixed.

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MAME v0.112 um 10:00:25 von kallez
Der Multi Arcade Emulator MAME wurde nun auf die Version 0.112 aktualisiert. Dies sind die Neuerungen:
    Happy 10th Anniversary! Today's release marks 10 years since the original release of 0.1. After 10 years, hundreds of developers, thousands of games, and tens of thousands (if not more) of hours of hard work, MAME development is still going strong. Thanks to everyone
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Teo v1.7.6 um 15:29:36 von kallez
Teo ist ein Thomson TO8 Emulator für Windows ,DOS und Linux. Die Neuerungen sind (Google Translation):
  • update of the date to each reset
  • correction of the detection of the cassette player (thank you in Yves Charriau)
  • memory protection died during the loading of a sector by the monitor - finer management of the spot screen: Chinese Stack passes well
  • correction of the commutation of space cartouche
  • under Windows: posting of the name of the 4 diskettes in the dialog box after the loading of a file image
  • under Linux: bearing on GTK+ 2.x
  • Francois Mouret, alias Prehisto, become Co-mainteneur

Danke an AEP für die News.

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ParaJVE WIP um 14:36:14 von kallez
Zum in JAVA geschriebenen Vectrex Emulator ParaJVE gibt es folgende WIP News:
    Dolby Surround Pro Logic ... -not-

    Better late than never, ParaJVE now comes with a proper sound emulation!

    Since I finally managed to get rid of the off-putting bug in the PSG code, the sound now seems to work quite accurately in the emulator. If there are any residual bugs they're not that obvious to spot (at least, nothing that can be heard easily).

    Sound routines debugging proves to be especially tedious (IMO), and as I rapidly got tired of crawling through huge arrays of numbers -- Sampling 3 channels at 44kHz brings quite a lot ;) -- I had to implement some kind of visual tool to try and comprehend them in a more intuitive way.

    Once coded, the new "samples monitor" immediately pointed out the problem, as you can see in this screenshot:

    The yellow/white lines reflect the samples average, while the blue ones are the current maximum. The top channel (yellow) is the overall mixing of the 3 PSG channels (white)

    Quite obviously, the problem came from some kind of saturation in the channel's output at some point... After looking for the probable root causes in the code, it turned out to be a pathetic sign mistake, buried somewhere in the periods computing... With this single line fixed, the sound output for the same "soundtrack" magically became:

    Which clearly makes me happy ... oh well ... call me geek if you want ;)

    Right, there's still some work to do on the audio : adding user options (enable switch, sampling rate, overall volume, ...) ; fixing the timing problems (the sound plays at the game's speed, which is too fast - see the previous post) ; the speech in Spike is not implemented (not planed yet) ; etc...

    But all in all, with this part working, I feel that the next significant milestone has been reached. And as I'm quite satisfied with the current emulator status, a release should not be too far now...

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Emu - Raptor 0.4 um 09:41:09 von kallez
Emu - Raptor ist ein Tool das eine einfache Organisation, Auswahl und Startmöglichkeit zu deinen lieblings Emulatoren bietet. Die Neuerungen sind:
  • Big improvements in program's design (you will spot this one immediately).
  • Removed "PSP" section and added "Nintendo DS" and "Gamecube section".
  • Fixed many small bugs in Emulator mannageing.
  • New skin (that means the old skins aren't usable in this version anymore).
  • Added special options (aka Run with) mannager.
  • Program now have a new Icon.
  • Added new "Classic" skin.
  • New database version due to the great amount of source code changes.
  • Updated the list + descriptions of the emulators.

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uoRIN v1.1b2_01 um 20:45:08 von winfy
Die inoffizielle MOD des RIN GB/GBC Emulators für die PSP wurde an die offizielle Version angepasst.
Die Änderungen sind mir auf Grund der Sprachbarriere unbekannt. Allerdings wurde er von einem Usern names Daley getestet. Hier sein Statement dazu:

    Ok after testing it has a few extra features than the one earlier today, you can turn sound on or off in the menu, sound is pretty good but does slow down gameplay even on the smallest screen size. It has the key config feature and the save state and load state. It doesn't have the custom background feature which is a bit annoying. Not bad but nothing big different, just more menu options which is never a bad thing. Custom menu's and it would be spot on.

Dienstag - 01.02.2005

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Osmose 0-6-16 um 21:48:33 von Hammel
Der Master System Emulator Osmose hat in der aktuellen Version diese Neuerungen:
  • Improved compatibility.
  • User can now customise it's keyboard configuration.
  • Support for both .sms and .zip format (.sms wasn't supported anymore).
  • Add possibility to save VDP Tiles into 128*224 bmp file. This was done first for debugging purposes, but it can be usefull for gfx ri...

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MAME v0.90u1 um 20:32:23 von Hammel
Und schon wieder die erste "u" mit diesen Neuerungen bzgl. der Spiele:
    New Games / Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:
  • Merlins Money Maze [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
    maybe impossible to win?
  • Spot (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
  • Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
  • World Darts (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojcieszek] <...

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MAME v0.89 u5 & u6 um 23:55:30 von Hammel
Und gleich 2 neue u Versionen von MAME. Hier die Neuerungen die die Spiele betreffen:

    Neue Spiele und Clones die nun unerstüzt werden:
  • Wrestle War (Japan) [Gerald]
  • Flying Ball (Deco Cassette) [Juergen Buchmueller]
  • SportTime Bowling (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojcieszek, Ernesto Corvi]
  • Leader Board Golf (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojciesze...

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MAME v0.71 um 12:18:24 von Hammel
Der mehrere Systeme emulierende Arcade Emulator hat in der Neuen Version diese Änderungen:
    Änderungen im Quellcode:
  • Das MultiPCM Banking für Stadium Cross gefixt
  • Den Ay8910 Noise Generator verbessert
  • Ein paar Dateinamen für Ajax korregiert
  • Die Grafiken in Strato Fighter und Super Pinball Action verbessert
  • Ein Bündel an Treibern in Tilemaps ...

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