Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2): Neuer Patch in Aussicht! um 20:28:17 von Nemu
Neuigkeiten von Phantasian Productions, die das Rollenspiel Tales of Destiny 2 für die PS2 ins englische übersetzen: Ein Patch ist nicht mehr weit!
Oh, my, what's that!? An update on Tales of Destiny 2!? Yes, it's true! I honestly can't believe it's already been at least a year since I put this on hiatus. We've really gotta get this menu patch finished! But we have a...
Tales of Phantasia PSX v1.0 Translation um 13:19:53 von kallez
Nun ist es soweit Gemini und throughhim413 haben die final Version ihrer Übersetzung zur Sony Playstation Version des Rollenspiels Tales of Phantasia.
Merry Christmas from Absolute Zero!
We proudly present v1.0 of the Tales of Phantasia PSX translation patch!
All you need to supply is your .bin or .img rip of Tales of Phantasia and the attached custom patcher will take care of the rest. Since it would seem this cannot be overstated, the patched game is fully compatible with real hardware. Please be sure to check the readme, which, among a complete patching procedure and other useful notes, also contains important information regarding emulator and PSP-emulation specific glitches (these are emulator glitches, not patch bugs).
Please consult the readme before asking specific questions about patching or related topics.
We thank you for your support and hope that you enjoy Tales of Phantasia PSX!
Tales of Phantasia PSX Translation WIP um 00:28:53 von kallez
Die Übersetzung zum RPG Game Tales of Phantasia für die PSX ist nun in der Beta Testphase.
Beta Testing Begins
As of today, December 10th, beta testing on Tales of Phantasia PSX has officially begun. It’s been a while since our last update, so let me bring you up to speed on the newest stuff.
Script Translation and Editing - 100%
Skit Translation and Editing - 100%
New Features!
Selectable ability names (English vs. Romanized Japanese)
Splash screen and anti-eBay/P2P screen
Complete Patcher (made by Gemini specifically for this project)
Patches the game in 2-5 minutes depending on your system
So, there you have it. Most of this stuff has been done for several weeks. But there were internal alphas and some fixes to do, so nothing much that we could update people on. Why am I only posting two pictures? The truth is that I have TONS of them. But frankly, why would I want to tempt you with the game? I mean, before long, I’m just going to give it to you. ^_^
The two pictures here demonstrate the Ability Name Selector in action.
Tales of Phantasia PSX Translation WIP um 16:39:07 von kallez
Gemini und throughhim413 haben neue Info's zur Englisch Übersetzung des RPG Klassikers Tales of Phantasia für die Playstation freigegeben.
Tales of Phantasia for the Playstation is almost here, guys, in English. After 2 months of work, we are proud to announce to you that the translation completion has passed the halfway mark. In other words, we have all of the Present, about half of the Past, and more than half of the Future completely translated. The hacking itself is complete and only a few bug fixes and some layout reworks remain for the in-game menus. As we’ve repeatedly stated, this patch will be fully compatible with real hardware on its first release, like my SOTN Italian translation was.
PocketNES WIP Build 16.07.2007 um 18:43:23 von kallez
Dwedit hat eine neue Testversion seines Nintendo NES Emulators PocketNES für den Gameboy Advance freigegeben.
This version is very buggy, since many changes were made.
I think I already released this version, but now the Boot Glitches which made it almost unreleasable are now fixed!
(yep, I had already released this version 7 months ago... but now there are a coup...
Vom Super Nintendo Emulator 'bsnes' gibt es folgendes WIP Update:
sCPU, major HDMA bugfix
Started on the rewrite of the CPU core, sCPU. This will be the cooperatively multithreaded version of my CPU emulation. So far, it's going ok. It runs at 135fps (compared to 120fps) for a blank screen on my PC. But since it lacks accurate H/V counters, interrupts and H/DMA processing, that number will probably go down a good deal. How much remains to be seen. So far, I've only rewritten the opcode emulation (all 256 opcodes) and most MMIO registers. A lot of the MMIO registers have no functionality (such as the interrupt ones, waiting on new core interrupt support), but it's a start. Little by little, I'll rewrite all of it.
In the process of rewriting mmio_w420c(), however, I noticed a major bug. Blatantly obvious to me, too. The routine either enables or disables the HDMA channel based on each bit written to the byte in this register. However, it also does the exact same thing for the active flag I was using. The active flag means that the HDMA line counter has not hit a zero to terminate the transfer yet, so an HDMA transfer should occur on this line. I'm guessing my old logic was that this was needed so that disabling an HDMA channel will turn off the active flag. However, I failed to account for the fact that this would turn an HDMA channel that should have already been turned off for this frame back on again! Oops. I modified the behavior to leave the active flag alone, unless the HDMA channel was being turned off, in which case it clears the active flag. This fixes a lot of games. Tales of Phantasia's palette bug after some battles, Genjuu Ryodan's status window when text is onscreen, Mortal Kombat's epilepsy mode, etc.
In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if this bugfix accounted for nearly half of all known bsnes bugs. It fixed three of the five games with known bugs I tested.
Auf GP32x.com gibt es 3 Videos vom Playstation Emulator PSX4All in Aktion auf dem GP32x. Die Videos zeigen die Spiele Armored Core, Bomberman und Legend of Mana.
Update: Tales of Destiny 2, Final Fantasy 7 und zu Winning Elven 2 sind auch Videos Verfügbar.
Tales of Phantasia v1.1 Translation - deutsch um 23:32:44 von winfy
Die Übersetzung von d4s zum Super Nintendo Spiel "Tales of Phantasia" wurde aktualisiert. An "Breath of Fire 2" wird natürlich noch weiter gearbeitet.
Ihr findet diese Versionen wie gewohnt in der Translations-Sektion zum Download. Zudem wurde der Link auf d4s's neue Webseite aktualisiert. Die Webseite ist auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!
Bamse 2000 schrieb mir, dass er eine Settingsliste für diverse PSX Spiele gemacht hat. Diese beinhaltet bisher 52 Spiele.
Solltet ihr also mal mit einem Spiel Probleme haben, könnt ihr dort nachschauen:
Bamse´s "Book of Settings (for Playstation games played via emulator)" v0.78f
This document is viewed best using the notepad in 800x600 with "Arial" as selec...
Tales of Phantasia Deutsch v1.01 um 11:24:29 von Hammel
Nach dem vor kurzem erschienenen deutschen Patch für das SNES Spiel ToP, hat d4s nun gleich eine neue Version rausgebracht. Allerdings ist dies noch nicht die, die die Rechtschreibfehler behebt, sondern dieser löst das Header Problem, aufgrund dessen es einige nicht hinbekommen haben das Rom zu patchen.
Auch hier nochmal der Hinweise: Ihr braucht die japanische Version des Spiels und diese ...
Tales of Phantasia 100% Deutsch um 01:41:47 von Hammel
Ich hab soeben im GEB (emuboard.de) den Thread von d4s gesehen. Der Patch für das SNES Spiel Tales of Phantasia ist 100%, d.h. alles übersetzt. In ein paar Tagen will er nochmal einen kleinen Bugfix rausbringen, der ein paar Rechtschreibfehler beheben soll.