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Mittwoch - 22.10.2008

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emuControlCenter 0.9.9 WIP04 um 22:09:43 von Nemu
Das Rom-Verwaltungs-Programm emuControlCenter gibt es nun in einer neuen WIP Version: 0.9.9 WIP04

    Hi All,
    We are slowly getting busy with ECC again, this time we have fixed some small bugs, and added the hungarian language for meta edit.

    We are currently also updating and improving the ECC installer with more options & a ‘direct download’ page to install even more skins/themes/thirdparty addons to your ECC installation, stay tuned…

    changelog for emuControlCenter 0.9.9 WIP 04
    - fixed "ECC doesn't like Brøderbund" bug for all metaedit fields!
    - added hungarian language for meta edit
    - removed 'error_reporting' settings in some PHP files, this was causing
    ECC to send bugreports all the time.

Sonntag - 31.08.2008

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Raine 0.50.16 um 14:06:42 von kallez
Der Arcade-Emulator Raine wurde aktualisiert.
    * Mike (dx) noticed donkey kong had some pink pixels around him in emudx
    mode, so we fixed them, now it looks better.
    * 1st boss of ninja warrior was freezing the game since raine 0.41, very old
    bug, fixed too.
    * Remember the video priority fix for cps2 in 0.50.13 ? Well, it wasn't
    perfect, ...

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Montag - 18.08.2008

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GameEx 9.49 um 09:10:20 von AEnEmY
Vom Multi- Frontend GameEx gibt es eine neue Version und einen Wettbewerb für das beste Theme. Zu gewinnen gibts GameEx Lizensen und FTP Zugang zu EmuMovies! Zitat TSpeirs:

"This release, with thanks to Headkaze completes the version 4 theme implementation with support for foreground images that overlay the background and snaps. Im quite exctied to see what new themes people come up wi...

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Donnerstag - 14.08.2008

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GameEx 9.46 um 09:18:47 von AEnEmY
Tom Speirs hat ein weiteres Major Release freigegeben:

"This is a major release and would not have been possible without the hard work of Flash (AKA GreatGlash) and Headkaze.

The changes are fully listed below but the two big enhancments are that now version 4 themes have been fully implemented, giving GameEx powerfull skinning capabilites that we would have all liked from the...

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MAME 0.126u1 um 21:20:18 von Nemu
Im neuesten Source-Update von MAME gibt es folgende Änderungen:


    NOTE: The cheat engine is disabled as of this version. It is
    currently undergoing a desperately-needed complete redesign and
    rewrite from scratch. By the time 0.127 is ready, we should have
    support for the vast majority of existing cheats working once

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Dolphin wird Open Source / erste Wii Emu- versuche um 12:10:19 von AEnEmY
In der Game Cube Szene tut sich nach langem Warten wieder etwas. Der derzeit kompatibelste Emulator Dolphin wird zum Open Source Projekt und bringt neben einigen Verbesserungen auch elementaren Wii Support mit (!!).
Zitat von ector aus dem Emutalk Forum:

"We hereby release the source code of Dolphin and most of its plugins under the GPL 2.0.

You can check out the code usin...

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GameEx 9.40 um 20:27:19 von aenemy
Vom HTPC- Frontend GameEx ist gleich ein ganzes Bündel an neuen Versionen erschienen, die aktuellste Fassung 9.40 enthält folgende Verbesserungen und Features:

* Database naming format matching is now automatic

* Includes Ben Baker's (AKA Headkaze) latest LCD/LED Plugin now featuring support for Ultimarcs latest product, the U-HID
* Initial support for the new ...

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MAME v0.125u9 um 21:02:56 von Nemu
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:


    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    - 01962: [DIP/Input] tailg: "Fatal error: Input ports cannot be read
    at init time!" with -debug (Aaron Giles)
    - 01948: [Misc.] All alg.c and cliffhgr.c sets: Access Violation when
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MAME v0.125u7 um 23:30:45 von Hammel
Im neusten Sourceupdate des Arcade Emulators gibt es folgende Neuerungen:
    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    - 01931: [Gameplay] sqix: [possible] sprites slowdown (couriersud)
    - 01631: [Core] sqixbl, perestro, perestrf: game resets after starting
    game (couriersud)
    - 01874: [Core] windheat: Game freeze (Aaron Giles)
    - 01905: [M...

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Samstag - 14.06.2008

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Wine v1.0 RC5 um 11:54:52 von kallez
Wine implementiert die Win32 API in Linux wodurch man etliche Windows Software auch unter Linux abspielen kann. Hier die hauptsächlichen Neuerungen:
    Alexandre Julliard (14):
    rpcrt4: Properly handle the case of a client having disconnected in rpcrt4_conn_listen_pipe.
    winex11: Add a trace in ExtEscape to make wgl problems easier to diagnose.

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King Kong 2 - Ikari no Megaton Punch [Famicon] um 20:46:23 von Nemu
..wurde ins englische übersetzt:

    Konami made two games based on the American movie, King Kong Lives, released as King Kong 2 in Japan.

    The first one, "KING KONG 2: ikari no MEGATON PUNCH" for the Famicom, is what we have translated. Its just an action game.

    The second one, "KING KONG 2: yomigaeru densetsu", released for the MSX has been translated f...

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Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2): Neuer Patch in Aussicht! um 20:28:17 von Nemu
Neuigkeiten von Phantasian Productions, die das Rollenspiel Tales of Destiny 2 für die PS2 ins englische übersetzen: Ein Patch ist nicht mehr weit!

    Oh, my, what's that!? An update on Tales of Destiny 2!? Yes, it's true! I honestly can't believe it's already been at least a year since I put this on hiatus. We've really gotta get this menu patch finished! But we have a...

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Wine v1.0 RC3 um 15:24:42 von kallez
Wine implementiert die Win32 API in Linux wodurch man etliche Windows Software auch unter Linux abspielen kann. Hier die hauptsächlichen Neuerungen:
    Alexander Dorofeyev (1):
    ddraw: Do not return modes differing only by refresh rate without DDEDM_REFRESHRATES.

    Alexandre Julliard (16):
    libport: Move the sigsetjmp replacement to exception.h to ma...

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Freitag - 09.05.2008

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MAME Plus! v0.125 um 12:59:28 von kallez
Mame Plus! ist ein auf MAME und Mame32 basierender Multi Arcade Emulator für Windows und ist in einer neuen Version erschienen.
    we noticed there are some confusions [1] [2] about recent changes in MAMEPlus. so, here is some clarification

    Why did you remove M68k ASM core support?
    it's out of date, and it's NOT faster than C version, it doesn't worth the effort...

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Glide64 'Napalm' v1.0 um 19:35:48 von kallez
Glide64 ist ein Grafik Plugin basierend für N64 Emulatoren.
    The Glide64 Team proudly presents you the new release of our project – 'Napalm'!

    The project now consists of three parts. The main part – Glide64 graphics plugin – was changed a lot since the previous public release. It’s simply impossible to list all modifications. New version has tons of bugfixes and o...

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AmigaSYS 4 Plus um 14:03:51 von kallez
AmigaSYS ist eine alternative zu AIAB (abk. für Amiga in a Box). Ein Betriebsystem, dass auf Workbench 3.1 basiert und optisch und funktionell aufpoliert wurde.
    AmigaSYS 4 WinUAE:

    With a bit late, but finally the new AmigaSYS has arrived. Perhaps this version took the most time, but not for nothing. Who used the AmigaSYS systems until then, will see the huge diff...

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AmeDS v2.1 um 10:01:15 von kallez
AmeDS ist ein Amstrad CPC Emulator für den Nintendo DS.
    * Play with WIFI ! Download the game through the web and play it using the menu
    "PLAY GAME FROM THE WEB" biggrin.gif !
    * Compilation with devkitarm r21
    * Screenshot saves are now in "no resize" mode, so we have the complete CPC screen smile.gif !
    * Multi save for snapshots and screenshots (the name e...

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PSPKVM v0.3.0 um 10:03:01 von kallez
Der J2ME Emulator für die PSP ist in einer neunen Version erschienen mit diesen Neuerungen.
    Change log
    # -------------------------------- Merge the source codes from 2 original project: pspkvm 0.1.0a and pspME 0.2.1 . Please see Features below for details.

    General information
    This s...

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Wah!Cade v0.26 um 22:33:43 von kallez
Wah!Cade ist ein Mame Arcade Frontend für Linux. Die Neuerungen sind:
    - Added "save as" dialog to Add Emulator option in Setup Editor.
    - Check that current emulator exists when starting up.
    - Added list of possible mame ini filenames to
    Required because we treat the mame emulator differently to others.
    - Enable ...

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Fuse For Mac OS X v0.9.0 um 06:26:55 von kallez
Der Sinclair Spectrum Emulator für Mac OSX wurde aktualisiert.
    * Switch to using OpenGL, CoreAudio and Cocoa for video, sound and user interaction and cease to use SDL.
    * Run emulation in a separate thread.
    * Merge in changes from upstream Fuse release 0.9.0
    o Add +D disk interface support (Stuart Brady).
    o New floppy disk controller emulation fo...

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