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  Translation Patches

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Bandai Wonderswan Color (1)Commodore 64 (1)
Gameboy Advance (1)NEC PC Engine (2)
Nintendo Game Boy (37)Nintendo Game Boy Advance (3)
Nintendo NES (60)Nintendo SNES (71)
Nintendo Virtual Boy (2)Sega Game Gear (2)
Sega Master System (4)Sega Mega Drive (12)
Sony Playstation (1)

Bandai Wonderswan Color    

Digimon Adventure 02 - Tag TamersxdanielDigitalZero Domain-

Commodore 64    


Gameboy Advance    

Pokemon EmeraldDragonmaster0.80

NEC PC Engine    

Photograph BoyAzelAzelistic1.04b

Nintendo Game Boy    

Alien 3SephirothG-Trans0.10b
Alien vs. PredatorSephirothG-Trans1.00
Castlevania 1 - The Castlevania AdventureSephirothG-Trans1.00
Castlevania 2SephirothG-Trans1.00
Duck TalesXXLHerbieStar-Trans0.20
Elevator ActionEffiosoG-Trans1.00
Final Fantasy Legend 1XXLHerbieStar-Trans0.99
Final Fantasy Legend 1Gast-110Nuckes Translation1.00
Final Fantasy Legend 2BredatorStar-Trans0.70
Final Fantasy Legend 2Gast-110Nuckes Translation1.00
Final Fantasy Legend 3Gast-110Nuckes Translation0.99 Final
Gameboy Wars 3xdanielDigitalZero Domain0.10
Gargoyles Quest I - Ghostn GoblinsSephirothG-Trans0.20b
International Track and FieldIndependent1.00
Jurassic Parkcyberobsromhack.de1.00
Kid IcarusGamerG-Trans0.99b
Mega Man 1ReaperG-Trans1.00
Mega Man 2ReaperG-Trans1.00
Mega Man 3ReaperG-Trans1.00
Mega Man 4ReaperG-Trans1.00
Ottifanten - Kommando StörtebeckerteTSu0Alemanic Translations1.20
Pokemon CrystalFilb, JamesRFilb.de1.00
Pokemon GoldFilbIndependent2.60
Pokemon Trading CardDominoDominos-Website1.00
Pokemon YellowBlachmail Translation0.10
R-Type 2TomyStar-Trans0.99
Revelations - The Demon SlayerMovax[movax world hq]0.20
RPG Maker GB2xdanielDigitalZero Domain0.10
Shadow WarriorTomyStar-Trans0.99
Super Mario LandEffiosoG-Trans1.00
TetrisKogon-us3D-Engine Revolution1.00
TetrisMovax[movax world hq]1.00
The Addams Familycyberobsromhack.de1.30
The Amazing SpidermanTomyStar-Trans0.99
The Simpons - Escape from Camp DeadlyTomyStar-TransFinal
Wizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fearcyberobsromhack.de1.00

Nintendo Game Boy Advance    

Mega Man Battle NetworkGast-110Nuckes TranslationBeta XL 1.0
Mega Man ZeroMatt E.Nuckes Translation1.20
Megaman ZeroxdanielDigitalZero Domain1.0

Nintendo NES    

Adventure of Lobo 1DIN1031SKUSS1.10
Adventure of Lobo 2DIN1031SKUSS0.98
Adventure of Lobo 3DIN1031SKUSS1.00
Ariel - The naked little MermaidEffiosoG-Trans1.00
Armed Dragon Fantasy VillgustTomyStar-Trans1.00
Armed Dragon Fantasy VillgustMainzelmannAlemanic Translations0.20
Bubble BobbleTomyStar-Trans1.00
Castlevania 2 - Simons QuestSephirothG-Trans1.00
Chip & Chap-Star-Trans1.00
Darkwing DuckTomyStar-Trans0.99
Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi!AzelAzelistic0.98F
Donkey KongAixEmu Stern Koka Setzuungen0.98
Double DragonTomyStar-Trans1.00
Dragon Ball Z - Violent Battle Against the AndroidsSven RechAlemanic Translations0.10
Dragon Warrior 1TomyStar-Trans0.05
Dragon Warrior 1Sven RechAlemanic Translations0.95
Dragon Warrior 3TomyStar-Trans0.05
Dragon Warrior 3Star-Trans0.50
Duck TalesRpgmaniac-No1Azelistic1.10
Earthbound ZeroTomyStar-Trans1.00
Final Fantasy 1Phoenix DownStar-Trans1.00
Final Fantasy 2Phoenix DownStar-Trans1.00
Final Fantasy 3Phoenix DownStar-Trans1.00b
Kabuki Quantum FighterXADOXStar-Trans1.00
Kid IcarusMoeFinal Translations2.00
Kid IcarusCool Moe DiEnigma Translations1.00
Kings KnightAzelAzelistic0.999F
Little Nemo - The Dream MasterRpgmaniac-No1Azelistic1.00
Little Nemo - The Dream MasterMorpheusAlemanic Translations0.80b
Mega Man 1ReaperG-Trans0.90
Mega Man 2ReaperG-Trans1.01
Mega Man 4DIN1031SKUSS0.95
Mega Man 5ReaperG-Trans0.80
Mega Man 6ReaperG-Trans1.01
MetroidMovax[movax world hq]1.00
Mike Tysons Punch OutDr. WilySKUSS0.98
River City RansomBredatorStar-Trans1.00
Splatterhouse Wanpaku GraffitiAzelAzelistic0.98F
Super Mario Bros. 1AixEmu Stern Koka Setzuungen0.80
Super Mario Bros. 1EffiosoG-Trans0.99b
Super Mario Bros. 1-Star-Trans1.00
Super Mario Bros. 2AixEmu Stern Koka Setzuungen0.89
Super Mario Bros. 2TomyStar-Trans1.00
Super Mario Bros. 3-Star-Trans1.00
Super Mario Bros. 3RedG-Trans1.00a
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesTomyStar-Trans1.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone HeistSquallAlemanic Translations0.99
The Legend of ZeldaEffiosoG-Trans0.30 Final
The Legend of ZeldaDopeDustG-Trans0.66
The Legend of Zelda 2EffiosoG-Trans1.00
The Legend of Zelda 2STREMLAU-1.00 Final
Twinbee 3SACS|A|C Rom Transtation1.00

Nintendo SNES    

3 Ninjas Kick BackSplashStar-Trans0.99
Actraiser 2CloudAlemanic Translations1.00
Alien 3SephirothG-Trans0.99b
Arcanoid - Doh it AgainMainzelmannAlemanic Translations1.00
Arkanoid - Doh it AgainFab96Star-Trans1.00
Breath of Fire 1ReaperG-Trans0.05b
Breath Of Fire IId4s1.0
Captain Tsubasa 3-Star-Trans0.71
Chrono TriggerPopolousAlemanic Translations0.05
Chrono TriggerFuchsHexplorers0.35
Chrono Trigger-Trans-Nation0.95
Chrono TriggerCyanCyan Translations1.01
Chrono Trigger Bugfix PatchCyanCyan Translations06.04.04
CU-ON-PAMorpheusAlemanic Translations1.00
Daze before ChristmasCloudAlemanic Translations0.85
Demons CrestGamerG-Trans1.00
Do-Re-Mi Fantasy - Milon's QuestGhettoyouth1.0
Dragon Ball Z - Hyper DimensionAvater Of TimeEnd of Time0.95
Dragon Ball Z - Legend of the SaiyajinsRiu, IronRaitranslation0.90
Dragon Ball Z - Legend of the SaiyajinsAlphahackerXTRANS1.00b
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 1Avater Of TimeEnd of Time1.00
Final Fantasy 2 (US)SephirothG-Trans0.15b
Final Fantasy 2 (US)SephirothG-Trans1.00 b
Final Fantasy 3TomyG-Trans1.00
Final Fantasy 3CyanCyan Translations1.30
Final Fantasy 3 Bugfix PatchCyanCyan Translations06.04.04
Go Go AckmanCool Moe DiCool Moe Dis Translationpage1.00
Home ImprovementSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Kirbys Fun ParkZelgadisAlemanic Translations0.95
Kirbys Ghost TrapSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Kirbys Ghost TrapZelgadisAlemanic Translations1.00
LegendDiHolliAlemanic Translations1.00
Lester the UnlikelySkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Lufia and the Fortress of DoomMephistoStar-Trans0.10
Lufia and the Fortress of DoomMephistoStar-Trans0.10b
Lufia and the Fortress of DoomSephirothG-Trans0.30b
Lufia and the Fortress of DoomSaschaAlemanic Translations0.04
Lufia and the Fortress of DoomFloBoDigisalt1.0
Magic Knight RayearthSephirothG-Trans1.01
Mega Man 7ReaperG-Trans1.98
Mega Man XSephirothG-Trans3.00
Mega Man X2LarvitzAlemanic Translations1.00
Mega Man X2SephirothG-Trans1.00
Mega Man X3SephirothG-Trans1.00
Mega Mans SoccerSephirothG-Trans0.90b
Ninja Gaiden TriologyDIN1031SKUSS0.20
Sanrio World SmashballSpecial-ManG-Trans1.00
Secret of the StarsLavosSpawnG-Trans0.20
Secret of the StarsSkyhawkAlemanic Translations0.98
Seiken Densetsu 3Special-Man, LavosSpawn, Ryu, Effioso, Reaper, Sic!G-Trans1.00 (RC3)
Sky BlazerAdmiral AkiAlemanic Translations1.10
Star OceanDarkZeroDarkZeros Translation0.01
Starwing 2D4S1.0
Super Castlevania IV-Star-Trans1.00
Super Castlevania IV-G-Trans1.00
Super Mario RPGSpecial-Man, RyuG-Trans0.38
Super Mario RPGMainzelmannAlemanic TranslationsPre-Final 1.00
Tales of Phantasiad4s1.1
The Addams Family 2SplashStar-Trans1.00
The Lawnmower ManSkItEAlemanic Translations1.0
The Magical QuestSven RechAlemanic Translations0.95
Tiny Toon AdventureRCTAlemanic Translations1.00
Tiny Toon SportsSven RechAlemanic Translations1.10
Treasure Hunter GDarkZeroDarkZeros Translation0.10
True LiesCloudAlemanic Translations0.95
Turtles in TimeSkItEAlemanic Translations0.99 Final
Turtles Turnament FightersSkItEAlemanic Translations0.99 Final
Wolfenstein 3DCloudAlemanic Translations0.99
X-Man - Mutant ApocalypseSephirothTrans X0.99
YS 3-Trans X1.00

Nintendo Virtual Boy    

Jack Bros.KR155E, DrAetznPlanet Virtual Boy1.0
TeleroboxerKR155E, DrAetznPlanet Virtual Boy1.0

Sega Game Gear    

Mega Man 1-Star-Trans1.00
Mega Man 1DIN1031SKUSS0.50

Sega Master System    

Alex Kidd in High Tech World-Star-Trans1.00
Ninja Gaiden-Star-Trans1.00
Psychic World-Star-Trans1.00

Sega Mega Drive    

Comix ZoneSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Ecco the DolphinSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Ecco The Dolphin 2 - The Tides of TimeRyuG-Trans0.23
Global GladiatorsSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Gunstar HereosRyuG-Trans0.99
Jurassic ParkSkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Phantasy Star 2T.K.Star-Trans1.00
Phantasy Star 3G-Trans0.05
Shinoby 3SkItEAlemanic Translations1.00
Streets of Range-Star-Trans1.00
Wonder Boy 5: In Monsterworld 3DIN1031SKUSS0.60
Zero WingAzelAzelistic1.00

Sony Playstation    

Breath of Fire 4SkyhawkAlemanic Translations0.02

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