Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* misc: fastscan information is always saved now, even if you cancel a scan. So you can continue a stopped scan at a later point in time.
* misc: renamed scan to new scan and fastscan to have to get used to it ;)
* misc: fastscan button is only enabled if the operation is ac...
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* fixed: laserdisk chds are listed as unneeded
* fixed: main window moves to the top from start to start
* fixed: rebuilder advanced auto-memory checkbox doesn't use 1/2 physical available memory limit
* fixed: "download all" operations can't be stopped
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* fixed: set selection crashes (also on profile load)
* fixed: scanner checksum check was broken for unpacked sets
* misc: missing required (not obsolete/ignored) nodumps will lead to a red profile
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* misc: added another seeking step to find fixable missing roms
* fixed: game tags manufacturer/year didn't follow the dtd rules when exporting
* fixed: xml datfile detection randomly doesn't work in profiler
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* added: support for upcoming new xml datfile headers
* added: support for 4 new datfile header fields (date, email, url, homepage)
* added: support for new game/gamelist tags and cmpro's rebuildto/date tags
* misc: all datexports now use the xml format
* misc: engine.c...
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* misc: sysinformation and system picker windows now got a cmpro icon
* misc: 'checking unknown sets' dialog shows processed filename before working on it
* misc: toggling a check box for scan tree update, autoscroll is disabled during update
* misc: speed optimized "deeper che...
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
Going 64bit...
* misc: several internal 64bit updates
* misc: 64bit clrmamepro exe available as separate download
* misc: updated updateprogram to pick correct 32/64bit package
* misc: updated to latest fully licensed ziparchive non-mfc version & new 64bit unrar dll
Der Rom Manager clrmamepro hat im neusten Update diese Änderungen:
* misc: updated unrar.dll which fixes crashes with incomplete split rars
* misc: updated have/miss list to handle fake clones, nodump-only sets correctly
* misc: update dat dialog is now resizeable
Emu Loader ist ein multi Arcade Frontend für Windows und wurde hiermit aktualisiert:
Clone games not showing in the list when using grouped view mode and "show available only " or "show missing only" filters
This fix will show parent games in the list one way or another, so clones can be shown
In der neuen clrmamepro Version gibt es diese kleine Neuerung:
* misc: main button bar remembers focus
* misc: set information -> 'unload' (set list) button added
* misc: set information -> you can use '%h=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with chds
* misc: set information -> you can use '%p=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with samples