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Sonntag - 24.02.2008

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PSPUAE v0.70 um 18:23:49 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP. Die Änderungen sind:
    * Added alot of Rics FAMEC code and optimisations. (Gave some speed increase)
    * Altered Hsync handler. (Removes slow down when sprites on screen, with CPU = MAX)
    * Altered CPU CYCLE UNIT to 256 (Gave the most speed increase)
    * Altered CHIPSET settings (To fall inline with CPU CYCLE UNIT ...

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Samstag - 14.07.2007

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PSPUAE v0.63 um 07:53:36 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP. Die Änderungen sind:
    We have released a new version of PSPUAE (Amiga Emulator for PSP), changes / improvements are listed below.

    Why the BE, simple, its exactly 1 year ago since started. So as to celebrate this fact, we decided to name it 0.63BE for Birthday Edition.

    Also, with the recent me...

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Donnerstag - 22.03.2007

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PSPUAE WIP um 09:03:13 von kallez
Vom Amiga Emulator für die PSP gibt es folgende WIP News zum neuen Release.
    Thought I would post and let you know what we are up to.

    Right, as you are all proberly aware, we have new BetaTester's and they are already doing an awesome job. Only been a week and they are very efficient and picking on every little detail, this is helping us alot.

    Currently, ...

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Montag - 22.01.2007

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PSPUAE v0.63 WIP um 11:49:42 von kallez
Vom Amiga Emulator für die PSP gibt es folgende WIP News zum neuen Release.

    Let me start by saying the CE 0.62 was a great success, and thanks to all the PSP USER'S out there, who downloaded it. The CE 0.62 was a massive update in terms of hardwork, put into it, by Ric, Thinkp and myself. Also Hungry Horace and Emuchicken, for helping test and package it.
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PSPUAE v0.62 Christmas Edition um 10:34:33 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP. Die Änderungen sind:
    - you can now save the amiga mouse pointer position and restore it with a key-combo
    - 24 mousestates slots, can be renamed with the amiga keyboard for better assignment
    - new option 'Auto Mouse Speed' for setting the speed of the mouse while restoring
    must be set faster for screens wit...

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Mittwoch - 06.12.2006

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PSPUAE WIP um 22:34:49 von kallez
Vom Amiga Emulator für die PSP gibt es folgende WIP News zum neuen Release.
    Hi, thought would post this to keep you all updated on the progress of 0.62 Beta

    Thinkp has been busy, Grin.

    i uploaded the new beta.

    What's new:

    - you can now save the amiga mouse pointer position and restore it with a key-combo
    - 24 mousestates slots, can ...

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PSPUAE WIP um 17:36:33 von kallez
Vom Amiga Emulator für die PSP gibt es folgende WIP News zum neuen Release.

    Hi, sorry we have been abit quiet lately, but we have all been working hard on updating / improving. More so Thinkp and Ric.

    The menu layout has been completely redone (took me awhile, thanks to thinkp for fixing my errors).
    I have added full screen (thanks to Ric, Wink, just need Ric to improve it as we discussed).

    A lot of new features have been added.

    PSPUAE 0.62 beta 8

    - new option 'CPU to Chipset Ratio"
    - new option 'Disable Key Combos"
    - new option 'Toggle X+O"
    - quick config combos
    L+R+Up : zoom in
    L+R+Down : zoom out
    L+R+Right : more frameskip
    L+R+Left : less frameskip
    L+R+Triangle : toogle CPU speed (leds: light red = max, dark red = real, purple = chipset)
    L+R+Square : toogle Floppy speed (leds: light green = turbo, dark green = normal)
    L+R+Circle : toogle leds on screen
    - dual mouse support
    - fixed combos for L+Cross, R+Cross, ...
    - SaveStates save a config file in the Config folder
    - Savestates are now much smaller, due to memory compression being added

    Below are shots of the fullscreen test in action.

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PSPUAE WIP um 00:50:10 von kallez
Vom Amiga Emulatr für die PSP gibt es folgende WIP News.
    FAME C is here (Well VERY Alpha)

    Hi, just thought I would post an update on the progress of FAME C.

    Ric uploaded a very early Alpha of PSPUAE with FAME C core yesterday. Before I go any further, its not for release as yet, as it is an Alpha and it is still buggy. So please dont ask for it to...

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Freitag - 03.11.2006

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PSPUAE v0.61 um 08:03:33 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP. Die Änderungen sind:
  • optionfiles with names (name_of_the_disk.options)
  • savestates with names (name_of_the_disk.asf)
  • auto-save options when saving state (in folder STATE )
  • auto-load options when loading state (from folder STATE )
  • auto-load options when inserting disk
  • assi...

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PSPUAE v0.60 um 08:38:07 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP. Die Änderungen sind:
  • new autoframeskip logic with fps limiting for both PAL and NTSC
  • real 4 channel stereo
  • fixed a couple of menu bugs
  • Immediate Blits (Helps with compatability)
  • Blitter Cycle Exact (Helps with compatability)
  • High Density Floppy (Lets you use 1.7MB Floppy...

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PSPUAE v0.55a um 05:02:29 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP.
  • Added some more Joystick mapping options. You can now use any button to control Amiga joystick 0.
  • Changed all sceCtrlReadBufferPositive to sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive. This should speed things up a
    little, because sceCtrlReadBufferPositive always waits for vsync.
  • Fixed a "bug" that caused the PS...

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PSPUAE v0.54 um 11:29:10 von kallez
Nachdem wir gestern über die anstehende Version des Commodore Amiga Emulators von FOL berichteten, gibt es nun heute die Version zu bestaunen. Die Neuerungen sind:
    - Based on e-uae 0.8.29 WIP3
    - Ditched harddrive support to gain speed as I still can't get it to work with WIP3
    - Removed support for serial ports to gain speed
    - Several optimizations to the e...

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Dienstag - 05.09.2006

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PSPUAE WIP um 09:57:25 von kallez
Zur nächsten anstehenden Version des Commodore Amiga Emulators von FOL, gibt es folgende WIP News.
    Hi, just some news on the WIP of the next release of PSPUAE. Below is the changes and added features.


    - Based on e-uae 0.8.29 WIP3
    - Ditched filesys/harddrive support to gain speed as I still can't get it to work with WIP3
    - Removed supp...

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PSPUAE v0.53 (GTA Eloader Version) um 09:59:09 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP.
    Same as PSP V1.50, but runs on PSP V2.+ ONLY

    I have tested it on my V1.50 Emulating V2.60 and using GTA E-Loader to load it.

    Hi, we have released a new version (0.53), this is a small update,

    - Drive Speed option added (This helps alot with long loading games, it wont help with all)<...

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PSPUAE v0.53 um 06:04:32 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP.
  • Drive Speed option added (This helps alot with long loading games, it wont help with all)

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PSP-UAE v0.51 um 00:31:47 von kallez
PSP-UAE ist ein Comodore Amiga Emulator für die PSP.
    Lets get the ball rolling then shall we....

    here it is, thanks to Ric's latest efforts in updating the pspuae code, and FOL's determination to tidy-up his homebrew!

    It's identical to the 0.51 version, except without the Xploit icon and stuff.

    Some of the newer features of pspuae include:

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